i am realising my site is becoming pretty big, so i'm gonna lay everything out for you to ctrl f through if you'd like

--about me
--shortform blog

--pikmin style resources
--pikmin 1 index
---note: this section may be prone to updating unexpectedly, and therefore sitemap may be outdated
---pikmin 1 cast
---pikmin 1 setting
---pikmin 1 day 1
---pikmin 1 day 2
---pikmin 1 day 3
---pikmin 1 day 4
---pikmin 1 day 5
---pikmin 1 day 6
---pikmin 1 day 7
---pikmin 1 day 8
---pikmin 1 day 9
---pikmin 1 day 10
---pikmin 1 day 11

-blog index
--longform blog
--shortform blog (linked twice because listed twice)

--jump king index
---jump king: main babe

--hypnospace index
---hypnospace: jerry's alien page
---hypnospace: joke funny
---hypnospace: template
---hypnospace: the lab
---hypnospace: ooc page

--cool and new webcomic shrine

-writing index
--note: this has got too big to map (for now) but its all there on the index

-deprecated pages (abandoned, old, irrelevant, no longer relevant to the site, outdated. not linked to anywhere else onsite. probably once had a style.css, but also probably don't anymore.)
--pikmin bloom index
---pikmin bloom day 1
--site news 08/11/21
--site news 21/03/22
--glowing text test
--old writing index